Our Program Committee strives for a wide range of topics. Here are some highlights from previous years.

  • The Honorable Elizabeth Dowdeswell

    Duties and Responsibilities of the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario

  • David Mulroney | Distinguished Senior Fellow, Munk School of Global Affairs, U of T

    Engaging the Dragon: Canada and the Rise of China

  • Shelley Nicholls | Executive Director of Sistering

    Sistering - A Woman’s Place

  • Barbara Dickson | Author of “Bomb Girls: Trading Aprons for Ammo”

    How women Helped the War Effort

  • Dr. Anita Villani | Co-Director of Sick Kids Precision Oncology Research Programme

    Using Genetics to Help Children with Cancer

  • Allison Bain | Executive Director of Heritage Toronto

    The State of Heritage

  • Betty Jane Wylie | Canadian author of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, Order of Canada recipient

    Road Well Travelled

  • Dr. Romila Verma | School of the Environment & Dept. of Geography, University of Toronto

    Four Pillars of Water Sustainability in Ontario

  • Beverly Thomson | Canadian TV journalist, Gemini Humanitarian Award, Order of Canada

    The Changing Face of Journalism

  • Karen Henderson | Founder/CEO: Long Term Care Planning Network

    Long Term Care Planning: What is it and why should I care?

  • Arlene Chan | Noted Canadian author and historian

    The Chinese Community in Toronto: Then and Now

  • Megan McLean | Environment and Energy Division, City of Toronto

    Climate Action in Toronto

  • Eric Friesen | Broadcaster, Writer, Speaker

    Book Clubs for Inmates: A Personal View from Inside

  • Dr. Pauline Beange | Sessional Lecturer, University of Toronto

    US Politics in 2018

The Honorable Elizabeth Dowdeswell. Lieutenant Governor of Ontario (middle)
The Honorable Elizabeth Dowdeswell. Lieutenant Governor of Ontario (middle)
Dr. Pauline Beange, Sessional Lecturer, University of Toronto
Dr. Pauline Beange (right), University of Toronto