Our Interest Groups are extremely popular. The only requirement is membership in CFUW North Toronto. The different programs provide an opportunity to pursue a personal interest, engage in stimulating activities and develop friendships.

Our groups are member driven; for some, the group determines the activities and for others, one member takes on the role of coordinator.

Several groups meet in members’ homes, so numbers are limited, but the  formation of new groups is encouraged. If you have an idea for a group with a different focus, you can suggest it at a meeting or post a notice in our Club Newsletter.

Violinist with symphony orchestra performing on stage



Members have the opportunity to attend any or all of the four symphony concerts presented by the Royal Conservatory of Music Orchestra between September and May. Further events, including chamber music and choral concerts, may be added if there is sufficient interest.

Art Sparks

Members attend exhibitions at art galleries and museums and visit places of architectural and/or cultural interest. They often have lunch at a nearby restaurant afterwards. Members must sign up in advance for each outing.

Row of books sitting in a bookcase


International Book Club

The focus is on international authors and/or international themes. One member reviews the selected book which is discussed by the group.

1st Wednesday evening of the month

Tuesday Afternoons

One member reviews the selected book, which is discussed by the group.

Last Tuesday afternoon of the month

No Stress Wednesdays

Members bring books they are reading or have read and want to share and discuss briefly with the group.

2nd Wednesday afternoon of the month

No Stress Thursdays

Members bring books they are reading or have read and want to share and discuss briefly with the group.

3rd Thursday afternoon of the month

Book Exchange

Books are distributed at the October General Meeting and rotated each month. Members read 8 different books and keep the last book they receive. The cost is $30 upon sign-up. Groups are arranged geographically to facilitate easier book exchanges.  Most selections are recent publications. 

There are NO meetings.

A bridge hand, score book, pen and bowl of almonds sit on a table.


Duplicate: 2 Table

Not currently active

Stack of newspapers with glasses sitting on top


The goal of this group is to become better informed about various social and local issues, especially those affecting women and girls. Members choose specific topics for the year, and then arrange small group presentations by relevant speakers.

Speakers have included local politicians and staff of community service agencies; for some staff presentations, the meetings take place on-site in the community.

Previous topics have included municipal housing regulations, shelter and health needs of people who are homeless, trafficking of teenagers, refugee settlement, and legal support for survivors of gender violence.

Since September 2020, the Current Issues group has held joint meetings with the Advocacy Committee on Zoom. Members will be notified if we return to holding separate meetings. Current schedule is 2nd Monday afternoon of the month.


Déjeuner Divas

Members converse in French during a lunchtime meal provided by the hostess of the month. Conversation topics are often suggested in advance, allowing for some very interesting material for our discussions.

3rd Wednesday of the month

Seafood dish


Fun with Food

CFUW members in the Fun With Food interest group

Each month, one member  chooses a food topic and presents research that includes a menu and recipes. Members are assigned items to prepare and bring for a meal at the next meeting. The group also dines at a restaurant a few times a year.

1st Monday evening of the month

Quick & Easy Gourmet

This group meets to cook, dine out or take a course at a cooking school. In December, the tradition is to have a festive tapas evening.

3rd Thursday evening of the month

Eclectic Gourmet

CFUW North Toronto Eclectic Gourmet Interest Group

This re-vitalized group is looking for new members. The group will meet once a month and explore new and interesting restaurants in Toronto.


This new group welcomes members to share hand craft skills and ideas.

2nd Monday morning of the month

CFUW North Toronto members of the Company of Walkers interest group stand in a park by a creek


Company of Walkers

Several members of our club have a long association with this non-CFUW walking group. Everyone is welcome, and attendance is flexible. Locations are parks and ravines in various parts of Toronto. Many starting points are accessible by TTC, and carpooling is encouraged. Schedules are available at the start of each season.

Tuesday mornings 10-12am | April to June & September to November